Melee Tier List 2024: Ranking the Best Characters in the Game

In the world of competitive Super Smash Bros. Melee, tier lists are a hot topic. Players and analysts alike are constantly debating which characters are the best and worst in the game. While there is no one definitive answer, our Melee Tier List 2024 aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of the meta.

This tier list is based on a combination of factors, including tournament results, character usage statistics, and the opinions of top players and analysts. We’ve also taken into account the recent balance changes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which have had a significant impact on the Melee meta.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at the top characters in Melee in 2024:

Melee Tier List 2024

The Melee Tier List 2024 is a comprehensive overview of the current state of the meta.

  • Fox: Unmatched speed and combo potential.
  • Marth: Long-range sword and powerful counter.
  • Falco: Fast and versatile with great projectiles.
  • Jigglypuff: Unique floaty movement and powerful rest.
  • Sheik: Strong zoning and combo game.
  • Pikachu: Fast and powerful with great edgeguarding.
  • Captain Falcon: High damage output and powerful knee.
  • Peach: Floatiness, turnips, and powerful combos.
  • Ice Climbers: Desyncs and powerful grabs.
  • Luigi: Wavedash, combos, and powerful grabs.

These characters are considered to be the best in Melee due to their combination of speed, power, and versatility. However, it’s important to note that tier lists are constantly evolving, and the meta can change drastically over time.

Fox: Unmatched speed and combo potential.

Fox is widely considered to be the best character in Melee due to his unmatched speed and combo potential.

  • Lightning-fast movement: Fox’s dash dance, wavedash, and shine give him incredible mobility, making him difficult to hit and allowing him to quickly approach or retreat from opponents.
  • Powerful aerials: Fox’s aerial attacks are fast, strong, and have low landing lag, making them ideal for combos and edgeguarding.
  • Devastating combos: Fox’s speed and aerial mobility allow him to string together long and damaging combos, often leading to early KOs.
  • Strong edgeguarding: Fox’s shine and up-air are excellent edgeguarding tools, making it difficult for opponents to recover.

In the hands of a skilled player, Fox can be incredibly oppressive, controlling the pace of the match and overwhelming opponents with his speed and combo potential. However, Fox is also a difficult character to master, requiring precise timing and execution.

Marth: Long-range sword and powerful counter.

Marth is another top-tier character in Melee, known for his long-range sword and powerful counter.

  • Excellent spacing tool: Marth’s sword has incredible range and disjoint, allowing him to keep opponents at bay and punish their approaches.
  • Strong aerials: Marth’s aerial attacks are fast, powerful, and have low landing lag, making them great for combos and edgeguarding.
  • Devastating tippers: Marth’s sword attacks have a sweet spot near the tip, called the “tipper.” When Marth hits an opponent with a tipper, the attack deals significantly more damage and knockback.
  • Powerful counter: Marth’s counter, called the “Dolphin Slash,” is one of the best counters in the game. It can be used to punish opponents’ attacks and set up for follow-up combos.

Marth is a versatile and well-rounded character with few weaknesses. He excels at controlling the pace of the match and keeping opponents at bay with his long-range sword. However, Marth can be difficult to master, as he requires precise spacing and timing to use his sword effectively.

Falco: Fast and versatile with great projectiles.

Falco is a fast and versatile character with excellent projectiles, making him a formidable opponent in Melee.

Laser: Falco’s laser is one of the best projectiles in the game. It is fast, travels far, and can be used to rack up damage, control space, and edgeguard opponents.

Reflector: Falco’s reflector is another powerful tool. It can be used to reflect projectiles, punish opponents’ attacks, and set up for follow-up combos.

Phantasm: Falco’s Phantasm move allows him to teleport a short distance. This can be used to approach opponents, escape combos, or recover from offstage.

Falco’s combination of speed, projectiles, and mobility make him a great character for controlling the pace of the match and keeping opponents at bay. However, Falco can be difficult to master, as he requires precise timing and spacing to use his moves effectively.

Jigglypuff: Unique floaty movement and powerful rest.

Jigglypuff is a unique and formidable character in Melee, known for her floaty movement and powerful rest move.

Floaty movement: Jigglypuff has the floatiest movement in the game, allowing her to drift and maneuver in the air like no other character. This makes her difficult to hit and allows her to control the pace of the match.

Powerful rest: Jigglypuff’s rest move is one of the most powerful and unique attacks in Melee. When used on an opponent, it puts them to sleep, leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks. If the opponent is hit by an attack while asleep, they take massive damage and are often KO’d.

Edgeguarding and combos: Jigglypuff’s floaty movement and powerful aerials make her a great edgeguarder. She can also string together devastating combos, often leading to early KOs.

Jigglypuff is a challenging character to master, as she requires precise timing and spacing to use her moves effectively. However, in the hands of a skilled player, Jigglypuff can be a dominant force in Melee.

Sheik: Strong zoning and combo game.

Sheik is a versatile and well-rounded character in Melee, known for her strong zoning and combo game.

Zoning: Sheik’s needles are one of the best zoning tools in the game. She can use them to control space, keep opponents at bay, and set up for follow-up attacks.

Combo game: Sheik’s aerial attacks are fast, powerful, and have low landing lag, making them ideal for combos. She also has a variety of grab follow-ups and can chain together devastating combos that can lead to early KOs.

Edgeguarding: Sheik’s quick movement and powerful aerials make her a great edgeguarder. She can easily intercept opponents’ recoveries and KO them offstage.

Sheik is a challenging character to master, as she requires precise timing and execution to use her moves effectively. However, in the hands of a skilled player, Sheik can be a dominant force in Melee.

Pikachu: Fast and powerful with great edgeguarding.

Pikachu is a fast and powerful character in Melee, known for his great edgeguarding and combo potential.

  • Quick movement: Pikachu is one of the fastest characters in the game, allowing him to quickly approach opponents, evade attacks, and chase down recoveries.
  • Powerful attacks: Pikachu’s attacks are surprisingly powerful, especially his aerials. His up-air and down-air are great for combos and edgeguarding, and his Thunder Jolt can deal massive damage if it connects.
  • Great edgeguarding: Pikachu’s speed and powerful aerials make him a great edgeguarder. He can easily intercept opponents’ recoveries and KO them offstage.
  • Combo potential: Pikachu’s aerial attacks chain together well, allowing him to string together devastating combos. His down-throw can also set up for powerful follow-ups, such as up-air or Thunder Jolt.

Pikachu is a challenging character to master, as he requires precise timing and execution to use his moves effectively. However, in the hands of a skilled player, Pikachu can be a dominant force in Melee.

Captain Falcon: High damage output and powerful knee.

Captain Falcon is a powerful and aggressive character in Melee, known for his high damage output and devastating knee attack.

High damage output: Captain Falcon’s attacks are some of the most powerful in the game. His forward smash, down tilt, and up-air can all deal massive damage if they connect. His Falcon Punch is also a powerful move, but it is slow and risky to use.

Powerful knee: Captain Falcon’s knee attack is one of the most iconic and powerful moves in Melee. It is a fast, strong, and KOing move that can be used to punish opponents’ mistakes or finish off stocks.

Aggressive playstyle: Captain Falcon is best played aggressively. He excels at pressuring opponents with his powerful attacks and mix-ups. However, he can be vulnerable to counterattacks if he is too reckless.

Captain Falcon is a challenging character to master, as he requires precise timing and execution to use his moves effectively. However, in the hands of a skilled player, Captain Falcon can be a dominant force in Melee.

Peach: Floatiness, turnips, and powerful combos.

Peach is a unique and versatile character in Melee, known for her floatiness, turnips, and powerful combos.

Floatiness: Peach is one of the floatiest characters in the game, allowing her to drift and maneuver in the air like no other character. This makes her difficult to hit and allows her to control the pace of the match.

Turnips: Peach can pull turnips out of the ground and use them as projectiles. Turnips can be used to control space, set up combos, and even KO opponents if they are hit by a fully charged turnip.

Powerful combos: Peach has a variety of powerful combo starters, such as her down-tilt, up-tilt, and grab. She can also chain together devastating combos that can lead to early KOs.

Peach is a challenging character to master, as she requires precise timing and execution to use her moves effectively. However, in the hands of a skilled player, Peach can be a dominant force in Melee.

Ice Climbers: Desyncs and powerful grabs.

The Ice Climbers are a unique and powerful team character in Melee, known for their desyncs and powerful grabs.

  • Desyncs: The Ice Climbers’ unique mechanic is their ability to desync, which allows them to control each individual climber independently. This can be used to create mix-ups, extend combos, and gimp opponents offstage.
  • Powerful grabs: The Ice Climbers have some of the most powerful grabs in the game. Their pummel deals massive damage, and their up-throw can set up for follow-up combos or KOs.
  • Strong edgeguarding: The Ice Climbers’ desyncs and powerful grabs make them great edgeguarders. They can easily intercept opponents’ recoveries and KO them offstage.
  • Teamwork: The Ice Climbers are a true team character, and they rely on each other to be effective. They can use their combined attacks to create devastating combos and overwhelm opponents.

The Ice Climbers are a challenging character to master, as they require precise timing and coordination to use their desyncs and grabs effectively. However, in the hands of a skilled player, the Ice Climbers can be a dominant force in Melee.

Luigi: Wavedash, combos, and powerful grabs.

Luigi is a versatile and underrated character in Melee, known for his wavedash, combos, and powerful grabs.

  • Wavedash: Luigi’s wavedash is one of the best in the game. It allows him to quickly change direction and approach opponents, making him difficult to hit and giving him great mobility.
  • Combos: Luigi has a variety of powerful combo starters, such as his down-tilt, up-tilt, and grab. He can also chain together devastating combos that can lead to early KOs.
  • Powerful grabs: Luigi’s grabs are some of the most powerful in the game. His pummel deals massive damage, and his up-throw can set up for follow-up combos or KOs.
  • Edgeguarding: Luigi’s wavedash and powerful grabs make him a great edgeguarder. He can easily intercept opponents’ recoveries and KO them offstage.

Luigi is a challenging character to master, as he requires precise timing and execution to use his moves effectively. However, in the hands of a skilled player, Luigi can be a dominant force in Melee.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Melee Tier List 2024:

Question 1: Who are the best characters in Melee in 2024?

Answer: The top characters in Melee in 2024 are Fox, Marth, Falco, Jigglypuff, Sheik, Pikachu, Captain Falcon, Peach, Ice Climbers, and Luigi.

Question 2: What makes these characters so good?

Answer: These characters have a combination of speed, power, versatility, and unique abilities that make them dominant in the current Melee meta.

Question 3: Are there any new characters in the top tier in 2024?

Answer: No, the top tier characters in 2024 are the same as they were in 2023. However, there have been some shifts in the rankings, with some characters moving up or down a few spots.

Question 4: What are some of the key changes in the Melee meta in 2024?

Answer: Some of the key changes in the Melee meta in 2024 include a greater emphasis on edgeguarding and a resurgence of characters like Peach and Ice Climbers.

Question 5: What are some tips for improving at Melee in 2024?

Answer: Some tips for improving at Melee in 2024 include practicing your wavedashing, learning new combos, and studying the current meta.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about the Melee Tier List 2024?

Answer: You can find more information about the Melee Tier List 2024 on websites like SmashWiki and

Closing Paragraph:

The Melee Tier List 2024 is a snapshot of the current state of the game. It is important to note that the meta is constantly evolving, and the rankings can change over time. However, the characters on this list are all considered to be top-tier and are a good place to start if you are looking to improve your Melee skills.

In addition to studying the tier list, there are a number of other things you can do to improve your Melee skills. These include practicing your fundamentals, learning new techniques, and watching top players to learn from their strategies.


Here are a few tips to help you improve your Melee skills in 2024:

Tip 1: Practice Your Fundamentals

The most important thing you can do to improve at Melee is to practice your fundamentals. This includes things like wavedashing, L-canceling, and short hopping. There are many resources available online that can teach you how to perform these techniques.

Tip 2: Learn New Techniques

Once you have mastered the basics, you can start learning new techniques to add to your arsenal. This could include things like advanced movement techniques, new combos, and edgeguarding strategies. You can learn new techniques by watching top players, reading guides, and practicing in training mode.

Tip 3: Study the Meta

The Melee meta is constantly evolving, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This includes knowing which characters are considered to be top tier, what the current matchup spread is, and what strategies are being used by top players. You can study the meta by watching tournaments, reading articles, and talking to other players.

Tip 4: Play Against Better Players

One of the best ways to improve at Melee is to play against players who are better than you. This will help you to identify your weaknesses and learn new strategies. You can find better players to play against by joining a local Melee community or playing online.

Closing Paragraph:

By following these tips, you can improve your Melee skills and become a better player in 2024. Remember, practice and dedication are key. The more you play, the better you will become.

In addition to the tips above, there are a number of other things you can do to improve your Melee skills. These include watching top players, joining a local Melee community, and entering tournaments. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your Melee goals in 2024.


Summary of Main Points:

The Melee Tier List 2024 is a snapshot of the current state of the game. The top characters in the tier list are Fox, Marth, Falco, Jigglypuff, Sheik, Pikachu, Captain Falcon, Peach, Ice Climbers, and Luigi. These characters are considered to be top-tier due to their combination of speed, power, versatility, and unique abilities.

The Melee meta is constantly evolving, and the rankings can change over time. However, the characters on this list are all considered to be strong picks in 2024. If you are looking to improve your Melee skills, these are the characters you should focus on learning.

Closing Message:

Melee is a complex and challenging game, but it is also one of the most rewarding. With hard work and dedication, you can achieve your Melee goals in 2024. Whether you are a casual player or a competitive hopeful, I encourage you to keep practicing and improving. The Melee community is always welcoming to new players, so don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help.

I hope this article has been helpful in providing you with an overview of the Melee Tier List 2024. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thanks for reading!

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