How to Craft a Functional Resume That Will Make You Stand Out in 2024

In this ever-evolving job market, a functional resume can be your secret weapon to landing your dream job. Unlike traditional resumes, functional resumes focus on your skills, accomplishments, and experiences, rather than your employment history. This makes them ideal for career changers, recent graduates, or those with non-traditional backgrounds.

If you’re considering revamping your resume with a functional format, you’re in the right place. This guide will take you through the process step-by-step, providing you with expert tips and tricks to create a functional resume that will impress hiring managers in 2024.

Before diving into the specific elements of a functional resume, let’s take a moment to understand why it might be the right choice for you. If you have employment gaps, a history of frequent job changes, or a lack of traditional education, a functional resume can help you overcome these challenges and focus on your strengths.

Functional Resume Example 2024

Showcase skills, not just jobs.

  • Highlight transferable skills.
  • Quantify accomplishments.
  • Use keywords strategically.
  • Tailor to each job application.
  • Keep it concise and readable.
  • Proofread carefully.
  • Consider a professional review.

With careful attention to detail and a focus on your strengths, you can create a functional resume that will help you stand out in 2024 and land your dream job.

Highlight transferable skills.

Transferable skills are those that can be applied across different industries and job roles. They include both hard skills, such as computer programming or data analysis, and soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.

When writing a functional resume, it’s important to highlight your transferable skills prominently. This will show potential employers that you have the skills and experience they’re looking for, even if you don’t have a traditional background in their industry.

To identify your transferable skills, think about the skills you’ve used in your previous jobs, volunteer work, or educational experiences. Consider the following questions:

  • What skills have I used to successfully complete tasks and projects?
  • What skills have I been praised for by supervisors or colleagues?
  • What skills do I enjoy using and am good at?

Once you have a list of your transferable skills, tailor them to the specific job you’re applying for. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service job, you might highlight your communication, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.

You can highlight your transferable skills in your resume summary, skills section, and work experience section. In your resume summary, briefly mention your most relevant transferable skills and how they make you a good fit for the job.

In your skills section, list your transferable skills in a bulleted or formatted list. You can also include a brief description of each skill and how you’ve used it in your previous roles.

Finally, in your work experience section, use specific examples to show how you’ve used your transferable skills to achieve success in your previous jobs.

By highlighting your transferable skills, you can create a functional resume that will impress hiring managers and help you land your dream job.

Quantify accomplishments.

When describing your accomplishments on your functional resume, it’s important to quantify them whenever possible. This means using specific numbers or percentages to show the impact of your work.

Quantifying your accomplishments makes your resume more credible and persuasive. It also helps hiring managers to quickly and easily understand the value you can bring to their company.

Here are some examples of how to quantify your accomplishments:

  • Increased sales by 15% year-over-year.
  • Developed a new marketing campaign that resulted in a 20% increase in website traffic.
  • Reduced costs by 10% by implementing a new purchasing system.
  • Managed a team of 10 employees and successfully completed a major project on time and within budget.
  • Improved customer satisfaction ratings by 25% by implementing a new customer service policy.

When quantifying your accomplishments, be sure to use specific and relevant numbers. For example, instead of saying “Increased sales,” you might say “Increased sales by 15% year-over-year.” This gives hiring managers a clear understanding of the impact of your work.

You can quantify your accomplishments in your resume summary, skills section, and work experience section. In your resume summary, briefly mention your most significant accomplishments and how they benefited your previous employer.

In your skills section, you can quantify your skills by listing specific accomplishments that demonstrate your proficiency in each skill. For example, you might say “Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite; created presentations that resulted in a 20% increase in sales.”

Finally, in your work experience section, use specific examples to show how you’ve used your skills and accomplishments to achieve success in your previous jobs.

By quantifying your accomplishments, you can create a functional resume that will impress hiring managers and help you land your dream job.

Use keywords strategically.

Keywords are words and phrases that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. They can be found in the job posting, company website, and industry publications.

  • Research relevant keywords.

    Before you start writing your resume, take some time to research relevant keywords. You can do this by reading the job posting, visiting the company website, and searching for industry-specific keywords online.

  • Use keywords throughout your resume.

    Once you have a list of relevant keywords, use them throughout your resume. Be sure to include them in your resume summary, skills section, and work experience section.

  • Use keywords naturally.

    Don’t stuff your resume with keywords just for the sake of using them. Instead, use them naturally and sparingly. The goal is to make your resume relevant to the job you’re applying for without sounding forced or unnatural.

  • Use a keyword density checker.

    There are a number of online tools that can help you check the keyword density of your resume. This is the percentage of keywords that appear in your resume compared to the total number of words. Aim for a keyword density of around 1-2%.

By using keywords strategically, you can create a functional resume that will be noticed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) and hiring managers. This will increase your chances of getting an interview and landing your dream job.

Tailor to each job application.

One of the best ways to increase your chances of getting an interview is to tailor your resume to each job application. This means highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the specific job you’re applying for.

  • Read the job posting carefully.

    Before you start writing your resume, take some time to read the job posting carefully. Pay attention to the job title, responsibilities, and qualifications. This will help you identify the skills and experience that the employer is looking for.

  • Highlight relevant skills and experience.

    Once you know what the employer is looking for, highlight the skills and experience in your resume that are most relevant to the job. You can do this by using keywords from the job posting, emphasizing your accomplishments, and quantifying your results.

  • Use a targeted resume summary.

    Your resume summary is a great place to highlight your most relevant skills and experience. In your summary, briefly mention the skills and experience that make you a good fit for the job you’re applying for.

  • Customize your work experience section.

    In your work experience section, tailor each job description to the specific job you’re applying for. Focus on the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job, and use specific examples to show how you’ve used your skills to achieve success.

By tailoring your resume to each job application, you can create a targeted and relevant document that will increase your chances of getting an interview and landing your dream job.

Keep it concise and readable.

Your resume should be concise and easy to read. Hiring managers typically spend only a few seconds scanning a resume before deciding whether to move on to the next one. So, it’s important to make sure that your resume is well-organized and easy to navigate.

Here are some tips for keeping your resume concise and readable:

  • Use a clean and simple design.

    Avoid using too many fonts, colors, or graphics. A clean and simple design will make your resume more readable and professional.

  • Use bullet points and white space.

    Bullet points make your resume easier to read and skim. White space also helps to break up the text and make your resume more visually appealing.

  • Use action verbs and strong language.

    When describing your skills and experience, use action verbs and strong language. This will make your resume more dynamic and engaging.

  • Proofread carefully.

    Before you submit your resume, proofread it carefully for any errors. This includes checking for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting errors.

By following these tips, you can create a concise and readable resume that will make a good impression on hiring managers.

Here are some additional tips for keeping your resume concise and readable:

  • Keep your resume to one page, if possible.
  • Use a font size of 11 or 12 points.
  • Use standard margins (1 inch on all sides).
  • Left-align your text.
  • Use consistent formatting throughout your resume.

By following these tips, you can create a resume that is both concise and readable, which will increase your chances of getting an interview and landing your dream job.

Proofread carefully.

Before you submit your resume, it’s important to proofread it carefully for any errors. This includes checking for typos, grammatical errors, and formatting errors.

Even a single error can make your resume look sloppy and unprofessional. This could lead to you being passed over for an interview, even if you’re qualified for the job.

Here are some tips for proofreading your resume carefully:

  • Read your resume aloud.
    This will help you to catch any errors that you might miss when reading it silently.
  • Ask a friend or family member to proofread your resume.
    A fresh pair of eyes can often spot errors that you might miss.
  • Use a grammar checker.
    There are many free and paid grammar checking tools available online. These tools can help you to catch errors that you might otherwise miss.
  • Proofread your resume multiple times.
    It’s best to proofread your resume multiple times, both before and after you submit it. This will help you to catch any errors that you might have missed the first time around.

By following these tips, you can proofread your resume carefully and ensure that it is error-free.

Here are some additional tips for proofreading your resume carefully:

  • Proofread your resume in a well-lit area.
  • Take breaks while you’re proofreading. This will help you to stay focused and catch errors.
  • Don’t proofread your resume when you’re tired.
  • If you’re not sure about a particular spelling or grammar rule, look it up in a dictionary or grammar book.

By following these tips, you can proofread your resume carefully and ensure that it is error-free. This will increase your chances of getting an interview and landing your dream job.

Consider a professional review.

If you’re not confident in your resume writing skills, you may want to consider hiring a professional resume writer to review your resume.

  • A professional resume writer can help you to:

    Identify and highlight your most relevant skills and experience. Tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Write a strong and compelling resume summary. Proofread your resume carefully for any errors.

  • When choosing a professional resume writer, be sure to do your research and read reviews.

    You want to make sure that you’re hiring someone who is qualified and experienced in writing resumes.

  • Professional resume writing services can be expensive.

    However, if you’re struggling to write a strong resume on your own, it may be worth the investment.

  • You can also find free resume review services online.

    These services can provide you with feedback on your resume and help you to improve it.

Whether you decide to hire a professional resume writer or use a free resume review service, getting feedback on your resume can be helpful in identifying areas where you can improve. This can increase your chances of getting an interview and landing your dream job.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about writing a functional resume in 2024:

Question 1: What is a functional resume?

Answer: A functional resume is a type of resume that focuses on your skills, accomplishments, and experiences, rather than your employment history. This makes it a good choice for career changers, recent graduates, or those with non-traditional backgrounds.

Question 2: What are the benefits of using a functional resume?

Answer: There are several benefits to using a functional resume, including:

  • It allows you to highlight your skills and experience, even if you don’t have a traditional work history.
  • It can help you to overcome gaps in your employment history.
  • It can make it easier for you to tailor your resume to specific jobs.

Question 3: What are the challenges of writing a functional resume?

Answer: There are a few challenges to writing a functional resume, including:

  • It can be difficult to decide which skills and experiences to highlight.
  • It can be challenging to write a strong resume summary that grabs the attention of hiring managers.
  • It can be difficult to tailor your resume to specific jobs, as you may need to highlight different skills and experiences for each job.

Question 4: How can I write a strong functional resume?

Answer: To write a strong functional resume, you should:

  • Start with a strong resume summary that highlights your most relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords throughout your resume that are relevant to the jobs you’re applying for.
  • Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible to show the impact of your work.
  • Tailor your resume to each job application by highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job.
  • Proofread your resume carefully before submitting it to ensure that it is error-free.

Question 5: Should I use a professional resume writer to help me write my functional resume?

Answer: If you’re not confident in your resume writing skills, you may want to consider hiring a professional resume writer to help you. A professional resume writer can help you to identify and highlight your most relevant skills and experience, tailor your resume to specific jobs, and write a strong resume summary.

Question 6: Where can I find free resume review services?

Answer: There are a number of free resume review services available online. These services can provide you with feedback on your resume and help you to improve it.

Closing Paragraph:

I hope this FAQ section has been helpful in answering your questions about writing a functional resume in 2024. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

In addition to the information in the FAQ section, here are a few tips for writing a functional resume that will help you land your dream job in 2024:


Here are some tips for writing a functional resume that will help you land your dream job in 2024:

Tip 1: Use a strong resume summary.

Your resume summary is a brief statement that appears at the top of your resume. It should highlight your most relevant skills and experience, and it should grab the attention of hiring managers. When writing your resume summary, focus on using strong action verbs and quantifying your accomplishments whenever possible.

Tip 2: Use keywords throughout your resume.

Keywords are words and phrases that are relevant to the jobs you’re applying for. You can find keywords in job postings, company websites, and industry publications. When writing your resume, use keywords throughout your document, including in your resume summary, skills section, and work experience section.

Tip 3: Quantify your accomplishments.

Whenever possible, quantify your accomplishments on your resume. This means using specific numbers or percentages to show the impact of your work. For example, instead of saying “Increased sales,” you might say “Increased sales by 15% year-over-year.” Quantifying your accomplishments will make your resume more credible and persuasive.

Tip 4: Tailor your resume to each job application.

One of the best ways to increase your chances of getting an interview is to tailor your resume to each job application. This means highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the specific job you’re applying for. You can do this by reading the job posting carefully and identifying the keywords that are used. Then, use those keywords throughout your resume and highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job.

Closing Paragraph:

By following these tips, you can write a functional resume that will help you land your dream job in 2024. Remember to focus on highlighting your skills and experience, using keywords throughout your resume, quantifying your accomplishments, and tailoring your resume to each job application.

Now that you know how to write a functional resume, it’s time to start applying for jobs! Remember to be confident in your abilities and to highlight your unique skills and experience. With a little effort, you’re sure to find the job of your dreams.


As we move into 2024, the functional resume is still a viable option for job seekers.

If you’re a career changer, recent graduate, or have a non-traditional background, a functional resume can help you to highlight your skills and experience, and overcome any gaps in your employment history.

To write a strong functional resume in 2024, focus on the following:

  • Use a strong resume summary that highlights your most relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords throughout your resume that are relevant to the jobs you’re applying for.
  • Quantify your accomplishments whenever possible to show the impact of your work.
  • Tailor your resume to each job application by highlighting the skills and experience that are most relevant to the job.

By following these tips, you can write a functional resume that will help you land your dream job in 2024.

Remember, the most important thing is to be confident in your abilities and to highlight your unique skills and experience. With a little effort, you’re sure to find the job of your dreams.

Closing Message:

I hope this article has been helpful in providing you with the information you need to write a strong functional resume in 2024. If you have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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